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Get to know Lund University A world-class university with a long and rich tradition. Study with us At Lund University, you can apply for a diverse range of international degree programmes, exchange and doctoral studies, and more. Degree programmesExchange studiesDoctoral studies Why study with us at Lund University? Find out why this excellent, truly international university could be for you. Lund - 2025-03-05

Find research and researchers

Our research portal allows you to explore the exciting research taking place at the University. Find researchers, research outputs, projects and units. Also discover how our research links to the UN Global Goals 2030. Research Portal In the Lund University Research Portal you can search for: Active researchers and doctoral students within our research areas Research outputs, for example publicatio - 2025-03-05

Start a business or project

For students and recent graduates At Lund University there are thousands of students with new and exciting ideas. Have you heard of Fitness 24/7 or Get Raw snack bars? These are examples of students' ideas, generated at Lund. Do you have a business idea? The University has an extensive support system for students and recent graduates who want to start a business or project. Among other things, it - 2025-03-05

Professional education paid by your employer

Boost your CV with world-class university courses Every year, professionals from many different companies, authorities and organisations continue their professional development through contract education at Lund University in a number of unique subjects. Take advantage of this opportunity and continue your professional development through your employer! From our professional training for doctors w - 2025-03-05

University and student nation scholarships

Scholarships for current Lund University students Every semester, current Lund University students are invited to apply for University and nation scholarships. The autumn application period is in September and the spring application period is in February. The University scholarships are distributed according to educational credentials from Lund University. They are awarded to Bachelor's and Master - 2025-03-05

Travel scholarships

For current students who need to travel in connection with their studies Travel scholarships for Bachelor's and Master's students at Lund University are announced in February each year. You can apply for a travel scholarship for a trip in connection with your studies at Lund University. Examples are trips to collect material for a degree project or essay, study abroad, and similar. Current scholar - 2025-03-05

Scholarships from Swedish foundations

Open to current Lund University students Each year, Swedish foundations announce a number of scholarships that are open to current Lund University students. The scholarships are often intended for a very specific group of students, such as students in a particular subject area. Current scholarships and when to applyA small number of scholarships from Swedish foundations are open for applications e - 2025-03-05

Tailor-made education

Our contract education distils the latest knowledge from one of Europe's leading research universities, tailored to fit the needs of your organisation, business or institution. Lund University offers customised professional education to meet the needs of your workplace. Your needs in focusWe can tailor education to your organisation’s unique needs. There are no formal grade or qualification requir - 2025-03-05

Print and copy

There are many places at Lund University where you can print, copy and scan documents. If you are a student here, you can use PaperCut for printing. How to printLearn how to print at in to the PaperCut portalPay to print and copyAs a student, you can choose one of two ways to pay for your prints and copies in PaperCut:Connect a credit card to your printing account (cheapest and easi - 2025-03-05

Find more scholarships

Other scholarships available to current students There are several places where you can apply for scholarships. If you have questions or want to apply to any of the ones listed below, please contact each scholarship provider directly. Academic Society (AF) scholarshipsScholarships from the Academic Society are advertised at the beginning of the semester. More information and forms to apply are ava - 2025-03-05

Writing and study sessions with the Academic Support Centre

The Academic Support Centre arranges writing and study sessions for the University’s students each semester. You can read more about how a session works, planned dates and how to register below. Writing and study sessions explainedYou should bring any relevant, study-related material along to the writing and study session. You might, for instance, bring a written assignment or thesis draft that yo - 2025-03-05

Activities with the Student Health Centre

At the Student Health Centre, we offer support groups and programmes about different topics related to student health. All the activities are free of charge and have been developed in order to support students who have study-related difficulties. Through the activities, you can learn more about a specific problem area and get advice about how to deal with it in your daily student life. Photo: Joha - 2025-03-05

Benefits for employees

As an employee at Lund University, you are entitled to the benefits regulated in Swedish law and agreements, as well as the benefits offered by Lund University, reaching well beyond the Swedish standard. Health and wellbeingDoctor's appointments and prescriptionsAs an employee at Lund University, you can visit your doctor during working hours. In the event of medical treatment, you can receive rei - 2025-03-05

Professional development and career options

To us at Lund University, it is important to be able to offer you professional development from day one of your employment. Career opportunities are numerous and varied within the University and academia at large, but also outside of academia. OnboardingThe introduction you receive at your new workplace is the most important step in terms of getting a good start as a new employee at Lund Universit - 2025-03-05

What Sudhakar says about the Master’s Programme in Nanoscience

Sudhakar Sivakumar from IndiaWhy did you choose Lund University?“In India I stumbled across an article about Aerotaxy in the Nature magazine, which was written by the famous professor Lars Samuelsson from Lund University, also called Mr Nano. I found it really interesting as I wanted to do a Master’s programme in nanoscience, and so I ended up applying to Lund University.” What do you think of the - 2025-03-05

Open admission courses

Individuals sponsored by their company or organisation can enhance their skills and knowledge through our open admission courses. From the course 'A Practical Introduction to Eye Tracking'. Photo: Håkan Röjder. Our open admission courses are already packaged courses available on-demand, open for registration, or open for application of interest. Prospective participants apply through their employe - 2025-03-05

Capacity building programmes

Lund University is a world-class university that works to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition. We offer a wide range of capacity building programmes to strengthen companies, professional organisations, authorities and individuals to achieve their own and global development initiatives, including the UN's Agenda 2030. From the programme ’Innovation in Governance for Ur - 2025-03-05

Study at Lund University

When you study with us, you get an internationally recognised education. Lund University is ranked among the best universities in the world for the overall quality of our education and research, international outlook, employability and sustainability. A world-class university with a rich traditionFounded in 1666, Lund University is one of the oldest and most comprehensive universities in northern - 2025-03-05


A range of software, including specialist subject software, is available to Lund University students to support you with your studies. This for example includes software from Microsoft, including different versions of Windows. Note that you can download the software below using your student account consisting of your username followed by (for example ab1234xy-s [at] lu [dot] se) and your pa - 2025-03-05